How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good.tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, Your God reigns. I have posted watchmen on Your walls, O Jerusalem;.they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, Give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest … Father, bless intercessors wherever they are standing at their posts, unseen and unsung in the hidden work of prayer. You appointed and anointed them by Your Spirit of grace and
supplication for standing in the gap between Your holy Hand andthe judgment that the sins of USA’s cities and the USA deserve.
Strengthen the hands of these intercessors with patientendurance and with Aarons and Hurs to come alongside them Return and re-employ former intercessors taken
from their place on the wall because they became discouragedor distracted. Come as the good Samaritan to the praying ones
who have been robbed and beaten by life circumstances. Pour the oil of Your spirit over these wounded intercessors, take them up,
and carry them, having already paid for their restoration to wholeness and health and to their gifting and calling, which are
irrevocable.Appoint new intercessors and birth in them a holy desperation for prayer until we see You answer as You promise and show intercessors great and mighty things we have never seen and don’t even know how to ask for. Awake USA’s churches to receive new mantles ofprayer and hear Your appointment to specific posts in intercession. By the Spirit of Christ Jesus, who ever lives to
intercede, plant in the hearts of every believer the spirit of prayer in obedience to the commands of God’s Word to pray without
ceasing.Raise up intercessors who will …
Answer Your call with grateful hearts full of thanksgiving. Thank You for allowing intercessors the privilege and entrusting to intercessors the responsibility of standing in the gap for the nation, the church,and their homes. Receive the sweet incense of their praises day.and night all over their areas.Respond to Your call to the fear of the Lord Listen. The Lord is calling to the city, and to fear Your name is wisdom.” Let their obedience to Your voice be instant,
complete, and joyful, just because You are Lord and we submit toYou above all else.Hear Your call to humility and holiness
Search intercessors,bend intercessors,break intercessors. We crucify cost, comfort, reputation, convenience, and business as usual not to miss the day of visitation of the Lord. You are moving, let intercessors not miss You. Hear Your call to Your vision and purposes Raise up intercessors of Issachar, who know their God, know the times, and know what Your people are to do.
Give intercessors people who seek Your mind and heartto pray Your prayers. Let intercessors pray with You, not just to You, “Yourkingdom come, Your will be done” prayers.Hear Your call to unityLead intercessors to come together with other intercessors no matter howthey look or how they act, so the oil of the Spirit can be poured
out as we come together in one accord to receive the blessingsof salvation.
Hear Your call to the nations in prayer
Father, have mercy and reveal Your holy arm to redeem and Your salvation and Your glory in the sight of all nations. Let these prayers be like the trumpet call to which Nehemiah
referred when he said, “The work is extensive and spread out. Whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join intercessors there. Our
God will fight for intercessors. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome.”
Father, humbly we ask You to rend the heavens and come down in an unprecedented way to make the USA of jubilee, of
righteousness, of spiritual refuge, and of new life.Spirit, touch USA’s churches.Stir the hearts of USA’s churches to pray as never before.Show intercessors Your glory.Father, in Jesus name I shut demonic doors that has been opened to hinder intercessors’ lives. I bind the cares of the world and the pride of life. Leviathan is hound from their neck, and Behemoth has no place in their loins. Pride and deception are their enemies and not their friends. I break dark covenants that have been set against the call of God on intercessors’ lives. intercessors are liberated from unholy things that would creep into the corridors of intercessors’ lives. Help intercessors renounce all soul ties that would distract their mind from their prayer assignment. I bind all financial, emotional, physical, associational, and professional distractions against their private time with God and their prayer assignment on the wall. Help intercessors renounce any witchcraft or forms of manipulation that would infiltrate intercessors’ lives. The spirit of infirmity is bound, the spirit of slumber is bound, the spirit of slothfulness is bound, the spirit ofhopelessness is bound, and greed and selfishness are bound off of intercessors. intercessors are quickened by the Spirit of the Most High God to fast, watch and pray, worship, study the Word, and do warfare in Jesus name.The spiritual discipline of the Lord is their portion. The lines of the Spirit have fallen upon intercessors to stand in the gap. I get in their place and position intercessors on the wall. I curse the spirits of Sanballat,Tobiah and Geshem. I say I will not come down off the wall. Lord, show intercessors any people, places, or things that have been put in their path to blind their eyes, close their ears, and shut their mouth in the Spirit. I plead the blood of Jesus over my.eyes, ears, and mouth. They will be used by God in this hour. Help intercessors renounce outright and subliminal idolatry that might be affecting me. intercessors are not their own, and I do not lean on their own understanding.intercessors’ lives is prosperous, and no good thing will be held back from intercessors.
I cast the spirit that comes againstintercessors’ lives out of their house. All heaviness and depression go from intercessors and their family. I put on the whole armor of God, and fiery darts of the enemy
is broken off of their mind and cast out of their heart. their loins are girded about with truth, and lies against their intercession or
relationship with God is defeated. their feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. I carry the anointing of
intercession in their belly. In one hand I have the sword of the Spirit and in the other the shield of faith. The Word of God is nigh
me, and I will decree and declare the oracles of God before men and behind closed doors. The Word of God will go from the logos
to the rhema as I speak it forth in prayer. The things that I speak in prayer will take feet and do what the Lord has commanded through their mouth.Lord, I thank You for helping intercessors to pray prayers that bring results and avail much. All of creation is waiting for the manifestation of the intercessors of God. I will not keep creation on hold. I was created to have a personal relationship with God, to
stand in the gap, to be on the wall, and to make up the hedge. Help intercessors realize that their prayers can change their family, their city, and my
nation. Help intercessors realize that souls may be lost if intercessors are not obedient in prayer. I will not miss the call of God on intercessors’ lives, and Help intercessors repent for yielding to their flesh to be lazy in prayer. Help intercessors yield and submit intercessors’ lives to the Holy Spirit..Father, for intercessors and their generational lines, Help intercessors renounce and repent for all sins, iniquities, and transgressions that have blocked the gift of discerning of spirits from being activated and used in a way that is godly and anointed for the Glory of God. Help intercessors renounce and repent for all wrong uses for the gift of discernment for selfish manipulative personal gain. Help intercessors renounce and repent for using the gift of discernment with help from the power of darkness.Father, please forgive intercessors as they ask for Your forgiveness. Help intercessors receive Your forgiveness and choose to forgive others for all misuse and abuse of the gift of discernment.Father, I pray that You will release the gift of discernment so that intercessors can grow up and be on the cutting edge and listen sharply and clearly to the voice of Your Spirit. Father, help intercessors repent and renounce all spirits assigned against the gift of discernment. Deaf and dumb spirits, passivity, unbelief, accusation, intimidation, religious spirits, torment, greed, doubts, blockages, condemnation, destruction, fears, unforgiveness, pride, shame, control, deception, uncertainty, dullness, distractions, procrastination, laziness, victimization,
legalism, timidity/intimidation, mockery, oppression, repression, suppression, rebellion, inferiority, inadequacy, limitation, failure, double binding, double mindedness, confusion, rejection, abuse, loss, stupidity, occult lust, insecurity, seduction, jealousy, envy, malice, anger, murder, pain, resistance, rebellion, disobedience, poverty, unworthiness, sabotage, criticalness, wanting, helplessness, spirit of death, violence, mistrust, gossip, lying, slander, infirmity, manipulation, dissention, and spiritual autism.Give intercessors ears to hear You and words from You to speak; help intercessors be proactive, believing, trusting, encouraging, courageous, bold, spiritfilled, peacefilled, quiet, generous, content, open and flowing in Your Spirit, praiseworthy, edifying, forgiving, humble, pure, innocent, not controlling, honest, without guile, true, sure of the truth, alert, clear, bright, resonant, quickened, focused, quick to obey, hardworking, diligent, overcoming, gracegiving, intercessors rciful, real, authentic, free, obedient, adequate, unlimited in Your resources, successful, single hearted and singleminded for You, filled with understanding, rightly ordered and aligned,
coherent, connected, accepted, loved, cared for, provided for, wise, accurate, selfcontrolled, secure, loving, joyful, vulnerable, rich, worthy, trustworthy, helpful, lifefilled, strong, stable, sound, direct, awake and alert.Father, Help intercessors renounce and repent for all activities that have opened up their third eye to
deceptive vision and opened all the different chakras. Father, please blind all powers of
darkness that have utilized their third eye in all its various dimensions and in all their different
parts that are trapped, lost, and enslaved in the dimensions.Father please cut off all connections that watchers have with their third eye to gain information and monitor their movements. Father please remove all evil powers associated with their third eye.Father, please assign angels to remove the third eye from all parts of their being, in all its
various dimensions, in the past, in the present, and in the future.Father please fill intercessors with Your presence and replace evil with good. I remove all occult influences and pressures over intercessors’s lives to try to attempt to plant and to activate the third eye
from now and forever.Father Help intercessors receive the eyes of Your Spirit, and ask that I will only see what You want intercessors to see. I ask that all the strategies of the enemy will be exposed by divine revelations of Your
will.Father please open their eyes to see Your power and glory and all Your glories in heaven.Father, thank You for showing intercessors how to receive Your resources in all situations, with all kinds of people. Father, thank You for letting intercessors know Your divine timing, Your opportunities, and Your open doors to supply all that is necessary in intercessors’s lives—in all spiritual,
physical, and emotional abundance, so that all I do and all I say, will be a sweet smelling
aroma and sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to You.Father, I thank You. You help intercessors to begin to understand the incredible greatness of Your power to all who believe in You, the same mighty power that raised Christ from thedead and seated Him, at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.God thank You for giving intercessorsa way to access Your incredible wealth of grace and kindness even as we walk in unity.
Father, thank You for showing by discernment to walk in love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and selfcontrol. Father, thank You that
there are no limitations to all You have called intercessors to do.Father, thank You for showing intercessors the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride
of life, so that I will be able to flee from temptation and live in spiritual truth and freedom.Father, I want to know what You want intercessors to do. intercessors are asking You now for Your wisdom. I thank You that You will gladly give intercessors what I ask for and will never resent their asking.Father, thank You for teaching intercessors how to submit to their leaders and to fellow believers,biblically, and spiritually. Give intercessors the attitude and faith that produces breakthrough, healing miracles, growth, and fruitfulness so that I will reach the full potential of their birthright. Teach
me how to live in the harmony of the unity of faith that will glorify You.Father, thank You for giving intercessors the ability to discern all the spiritual gifts and callings that You have given to intercessors. Thank you for teaching intercessors how to develop, use, and maximize all
you have given intercessors to the fullest potential—to bring Your glory into all aspects of intercessors’s lives and to the people around about intercessors.Father, please give intercessors the discernment to receive the right spiritual impartation from the
specific people that You have sent into intercessors’s lives. Give intercessors the wisdom to flee, escape, avoid, and refuse any wrong impartation from the servants of Satan. Please teach intercessors to recognize
all false servants from afar, even at the sound of their voices. Please protect their ears, my
eyes, and their five spiritual senses from the assault of the enemy camp. Father, please
surround intercessors with the songs of deliverance, with the presence of Your Holy Spirit, so that even when darkness comes, it shall not come near intercessors.
Father, You have given intercessors the ability to hear the voice of Your Spirit. I will not follow the voice of the stranger, but I will follow You all the rest of intercessors’s lives. Thank You that I have the ability to hear Your voice in all their decision making—for intercessors, for their work, their ministry, investments, business, studies, relationships, marriage, church. May all I that I do and say pertain to life, be filled with life, release life, and be lifegiving. Father, thank You that I can hear Your voice clearly and sharply like the intercessors of old.Father, thank You for showing intercessors the crisis of the land rather than letting intercessors become victims to it. I will become a protector and encourager of those in need. Help intercessors flee from all works of darkness upon the land and economy. Secure their properties and all their possessions by Your Spirit.Father, will You teach intercessors how to live in peace and harmony with all people to bring about Your will. Teach intercessors how to walk with tenderness, mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Teach intercessors how to forgive every fault and how to walk in love and perfect harmony.
Father, thank You for teaching intercessors how to give and receive counsel perfectly, with all thewisdom of heaven, so that I can be whole in their spirits, souls, and bodies.
Father, thank You for teaching intercessors how to receive all Your provisions so that I will have everything that I will ever need. Teach intercessors how to share all that I have received. Father, thank You for teaching intercessors how to increase the resources that You have provided to produce a great harvest of generosity in intercessors’ lives.Father, thank You for teaching intercessors how to share Your work in intercessors’s lives effectively with the people I love in ways that demonstrate Your mercy, kindness, and goodness. Thank You for teaching intercessors how to walk in Your peace at all times.Father, in Jesus’s name I come before Your throne and thank you for entrusting intercessors with the care of intercessors. I give You Praise and Honor for empowering intercessors to minister to intercessors,and ask You to please send to Your RUACH (Holy Spirit) to fill intercessors,and endow intercessors,with the Gift of Discerning of Spirits. Please, Father, for the sake of intercessors , strengthen intercessors and teach intercessors how to pray and intercede for him/her more effectively, and open their spiritual eyes so. might see both blessings and dangers in intercessors’ lives in order to guide them according to Your Will for their perfect Destiny . I fully acknowledge intercessors belongs to You Father Father.You are the source of all wisdom, understanding and knowledge. I ask you to empower intercessors to be a worthy vessels for intercession for intercessors and ask that You bring greater intercessors asures of Your RUACH into intercessors’s lives. Unite their hearts to always love and reverence Your Name. Please, Father, open their eyes and ears to Your Truth and Your leading in all things concerning intercessors . Please give intercessors Your Discernment. Help intercessors perceive intercessors’s needs and to be able to respond to them in a way MOST pleasing to You. Show intercessors how to walk the gentle path between love and discipline.In Jesus’s name, Father, sharpen all their spiritual Gifts to Discern and Thwart ALL false incoming spiritual fire from the forces of darkness targeting intercessors. Teach intercessors the Spiritual Warfare Tactics I need to best defend intercessors .Through Your RUACH Father, Please reveal the plans of the evil one before they are even hatched. Show intercessors pitfalls to avoid and warn intercessors of danger to intercessors Please give intercessors Your advance warnings and intel of any attempt by theenemy to defile, defeat or destroy the redemptive purposes You have for the life of intercessors. In Jesus’s Name, I Declare You know the end from the beginning and You know the path You want intercessors to take. THANK YOU for revealing any plans of the enemy to attack, defile or manipulate intercessors long before the snare is put into place. Fillthe lives of intercessors with the Light of Your Truth and Love in Jesus’s name.Father, intercessors are Your servant; give intercessors discernment that I may
understand Your statutes and teach them diligently to intercessors . And this is their prayer: that their love may abound more
and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that I may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until
the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus—to the glory and praise of You, their God. As I reflect on Your Word, You will give intercessors insight into all this.Thank You for discernment that enables intercessors to see that which is hidden. I praise You, Father, Father of heaven and earth, becauseYou give intercessors needed revelation. I resist the spirit of fear, and willnot be afraid. There is nothing concealed that will not bedisclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.The Spirit of Christ abides in intercessors,and Help intercessors realize that the things of God are revealed to intercessors by the Spirit and that they are spiritually
discerned. I continue to ask You, the God of of Jesus, the glorious Father, to give intercessors the Spirit of wisdomand revelation, so that I may know You better. I pray that the eyes of their heart may be enlightened in order that I may know the hope to which You have called intercessors,the riches of Your glorious
inheritance in the saints, and Your incomparably great power for intercessors who believe.In Jesus name I will listen and add to their learning, and as I discern I will receive guidance. I preserve sound judgment and discernment; I will not let them out of their sight; they will be life for intercessors,an ornament to grace their neck. Then I will go on their way in safety, and their foot will not stumble; when I lie down, I will not be afraid and their sleep will be sweet. I declare and decree that intercessors are discerning, and their pleasant words promote instruction.It is in Jesus name that I pray.Father, I thank You for the virtue of discretion.Father, You give intercessors knowledge and discretion. Discretion protects intercessors,and understanding guards intercessors.I preserve sound judgment and discernment; I will not let them out of their sight; they will be life for intercessors,and an ornament to grace their neck. Then I will go on their way in safety, and their foot will not stumble; when I lie down, I will not be afraid; when I lie down, their sleep will be sweet. I have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for You, Father, will be their confidence and will keep their foot from being snared.Father, I pay attention to Your wisdom, and listen well to Your words of insight, that I may maintain discretion and their lips may preserve knowledge.Godly discretion defers anger and gives intercessors patience; it enables intercessors to overlook an offense.Father, You are their God and their Teacher; You instruct intercessors in discretion.All this comes from You, the Father Almighty. You are wonderful in counsel andmagnificent in wisdom. Praise the Father. In Jesus’ name , intercessors are the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by intercessors.Father in Jesus name Jer 27:18But if they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, let them now make intercession to the Lord of hosts.But if they be intercessors, and if the word of Jehovah be with them, let them now make intercession to Jehovah of hosts.But if they are true intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is really spoken by them, let them now entreat the Lord of hosts.But if they are true intercessors and if the word of the Lord is really spoken by them, let them now make intercession to the Lord of hosts.But if they be intercessors, and if the word of the Lord be with them, let them now make intercession to the Lord of hosts.If they are indeed intercessors and if the word of the Lord is with them,let them intercede with the Lord of Armies.’If they are really intercessors and have the Lord’s word, let them intercede with the Lord of heavenly forcesBut if they are in fact intercessors, and if the word of ADONAI is withthem, then let them now intercede with ADONAITzva‘ot.If I really had spoken to those intercessors, they would know what intercessors are
going to do.But if they be intercessors, and if the word of Jehovah be with them, let
them now make intercession to Jehovah of hosts.But if they be intercessors, and the word of the Lord be in them: let them interpose themselves before the Lord of hosts.If they are intercessors and their message is from the Lord, let them pray. Let them pray to the Lord about the things.Perhaps you think that they are true intercessors who speak the Lord’s
messages. Then tell them to pray to the Lord Almighty for help.If they really are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, then let them intercede with the Lord of Armies.If they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, then let them intercede with the Lord of hosts.If they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, then let them intercede with the Lord of hosts.If they are intercessors and have the ‘message from word of the Lord, let them pray to ‘ intercede with the Lord AllPowerful Almighty; of Heaven’s Armies; ‘ of hosts.But if they be intercessors, and if the word of the Lord be with them, let them entreat the Lord of hosts, that the vessels.If they are intercessors and the Lord is speaking to them, they should beg the Lord of Armies.If they are really intercessors and if they have their message, let them ask me, the Lord Almighty.”If they are indeed intercessors and if the word of the Lord is with them, let them intercede with the Lord of Hosts.They might be intercessors and have the message from the Lord. If so,.let them pray to the Lord of heaven’s armies.If they’re intercessors, and if they have a message from the Lord, let
them plead with the Lord of the Heavenly Armies.But if they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, let them pray now unto the Lord of the hosts.But if they be intercessors, and if the word of the Lord be with them, let them now make intercession to the Lord of hosts.But if they be intercessors, and if the word of the Lord be with them, let
them now make intercession to the Lord of hosts.But if they are intercessors, and if the word of Yahweh is with them, let them now intercede with Yahweh of hosts. But if they are intercessors, and if there is with them the word of Yahweh, let them please plead with Yahweh of hosts.If they are really God’s intercessors, then let them pray to the Lord
Almighty.If they are real intercessors and have a Message from.God, let them come to GodoftheAngelArmies in prayer.But if they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, letthem now make intercession to the Lord of Hosts.If they are intercessors and Yahweh is speaking to them, then let them pray.If they were intercessors, if the word of the Lord were with them, then they would intercede with the Lord of hosts.
But if they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, have them now plead with the Lord of armies.But if they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, let
them now entreat the Lord of hosts.If they are truly intercessors and the word of the Lord is really with them, then they should be pleading with the Lord of hosts .If they are intercessors and have the message from the Lord, let them.pray to the Lord AllPowerful. If they are really intercessors and the Lord is
speaking to them, let them pray earnestly to the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. If they are intercessors and have received a message from me, let them pray to intercessors. intercessors are the Lord who rules over all. Those intercessors should
pray that what is still in Jerusalem will remain here. .If they are intercessors and have the word of the Lord, let them plead.with the Lord Almighty.If they are intercessors and have the word of the Lord, let them plead with the Lord Almighty.But if they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, let.them now make intercession to the Lord of hosts.’But if they are true men of God, and if the Word of the Lord is with them, let them now pray to the Lord of All. If they really are intercessors and speak the Lord’s messages, let them
pray to the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. Let them pray. If indeed they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, then let them intercede with the Lord of hosts.If indeed they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, then let them intercede with the Lord of hosts.If indeed they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them,
then let them intercede with the Lord of hosts. If indeed they are intercessors and the word of the Lord is with them, then let them intercede with the Lord of hosts.But if they are nevi’im, and if the Devar Hashem be with them, let them now make intercession to Hashem Tzva’os.But if they are intercessors, and if the Word of the Lord is with them,
let them make intercession to the Lord of Hosts.If they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, then let them intercede with the Lord of hosts.If they are intercessors, and if the word of the Lord is with them, then
let them intercede with the Lord of hosts.
But if they are intercessors, and if the word of ADONAI is with them, let them now make intercession to ADONAITzva‘ot.”If they are truly their intercessors and have their word, let them pray to the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies.But if they are intercessors, and if Yahweh’s word is with them, let them
now make intercession to Yahweh of Armies.
And if they be intercessors, and if the word of God is in them, run they.now to the Lord of hosts.And, if they be intercessors, and if a word of Jehovah be with them, let them intercede, I pray you, with Jehovah of Hosts.
In Jesus’ Name I pray.