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Global Prayer Network

I can’t login!

The site uses cookies to remember who you are and if you are logged in. If you are having trouble logging into the site 99% of the time this can be fixed by deleting your internet cookies from your browser

I can not register?

If you can not register your account one of several issues could be happening: 

1. If you have not activated your account you will not be able to login, and you can not re-register an email more than one time. To fix this you will need to access the email account associated with your account and click the activation link. If you can not find this email it is very likely that the email was caught by your email spam protection. Try looking inside of junk folders if you can not find it. If it has been less than 15 minutes please wait to see if the email will show up before contacting support. If you still can not activate your account please contact us on the form below with your email address. Once we have verified who you are, we will activate your account manually.

2. If your email is already in the system you will not be able to register again. Instead try resetting your password, if this does not work please contact us for support. We are not always able to respond to support requests as quickly as we would like. We will do our best to respond to issues within 48 hours during the business week. We will not be able to respond to support requests during late hours or weekends.


Please use the following form to request support. Do not send prayer requests on this form as they will not be posted to the site. A special email address for this purpose is being created and you should see it live on the site in the next few weeks

Support Request Form

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