Global Prayer Network

Spiritual Needs

Awesome Revelatory Request/ARS

Revelatory Request!! For God to bless Earth with Spiritual Heavenly Semper Fi Chamber Strongholds/Blessings for Maximum Focus/Pursuit of Christ's Holiness, Power, Results in Minimum Time with NO Distractions!!! (Jesus Nicknamed these Time Chambers)!!

Teton Strongholds ARS

Pray for God to bless the World and I with Spiritual Heavenly Teton based Armors, Living Water Strongholds, Water Stone Strongholds, Infrastructure Strongholds, Living Waters, Blessings!!

Urgent World Needs/RS

Pray for God to bless the World with Spiritual Heavenly Living Beach Water Strongholds, Water Stone Strongholds, Living Waters,Water Chambers and Blessings. God bless!!

Revelatory Request for Earth/ARS

Please pray for God to bless the World and I with Spiritual Heavenly Precious (Rare) Earth Metal Alloy (Ex. Matrix Combo, Neodymium /Neon/Neodymium) (Superman Steel/Kryptonite/Misc) Strongholds and Blessings. These and many combinations are Foundational and Classic....

Water Crest Strongholds ARS

Pray for God to bless the World with Spiritual Heavenly Water Crest Living Water Strongholds, Water Stone Strongholds, Living Waters and Blessings. God bless!!


Pray for God to bless the World with Spiritual Heavenly North Sea based Living Water Strongholds Water Stone Strongholds, Living Waters and Blessings. God bless!!

Gordon James

] [Awakening: w/unity of the Spirit in Portland & Coeur d'Alene] additionally for ministers GS, JE, DA, C, to have a contrite Spirit and a broken heart; Humility, & Lowliness of heart. Rev 2:7 to 0vercome & eat from Tree of life; Enter the...

Teri Talks

Teri gives inspiring and inspirational talks to give food to your soul. She believes that ANYONE can be transformed. Her desire is Transformation Together through mentoring!

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