Global Prayer Network


Jun 17, 2024 | Spiritual Needs

God, I come before you today giving thanks for the many blessings in my life. I give thanks for answered prayers.  Lord, I pray for world peace. I pray for the universe to help me on my journey. I pray for continued weight loss, I pray for new clients, both commercial and residential. I pray for a wonderful place to open for me and Loki to live, I pray for a special place of joy for my cat. I pray for a place of peace, cleanliness, and tranquility for a price I can afford. I pray for reduced stress in all walks of Kelly’s life. I Pray for God to restore my magic, passion and Jesus’s precious name amen.



Teri Talks

Teri gives inspiring and inspirational talks to give food to your soul. She believes that ANYONE can be transformed. Her desire is Transformation Together through mentoring!

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