[A smooth rightful Trump inaugural transition on Jan 20, no national or global unrest for 77 days [Jan 23,2025] & Awakening: & binding the world rulers of Rebellion, Idolatry & Pride w/Prince of Persia & Greece Lust & addiction over Portland & Coeur d’Alene & Loose w/Kingdom/Righteousness & Wisdom, Understand & Knowledge of God] additionally for ministers GS JE DA C to have a contrite Spirit and a broken heart; Humility, & Lowliness of heart. Rev 2:7 to 0vercome & eat from Tree of life; Enter the Kingdom/Righteousness of God & all HIS righteousness. Romans 6:11 to be dead to sin. w/no guile. Relying on God’s indignation & giving up all anger & not taking offense personally for attacks against God. Walking in Love toward everyone w/regeneration/Miracles/healing. A Job from God for JE [Financial Miracle]. to put gratefulness into DJ’s heart.
Reverse Mountain Etc Strongholds
Pray for God to bless the World with Spiritual...