Pray for God to fill His Churches in America with powerful spiritual armor of His choosing, living water, anointing oils, His Blood, Mind, power, truth, comfort, security, safety, wisdom, hope, realistic perspective on living outside of His Presence vs. in Him faithful for life. To prioritize Him above all else so that everything else will be able to fall into place nicely which can not happen without making Him your number 1 priority. For Him to reveal why the 1st commandment applies so much and the remaining 9 commandments. It is so true that without Him as first in our lives we’re on our own in a fallen system, society etc that is u set Satan’s control but if God is for us because we’re faithful to Him then Satan, demons and all that is wrong and u fair about the Devil’s system is overridden by God who can gives us full victory in all areas of our lives regardless of the Devil’s system. God is a God of hope for a reason. He is greater than the Devil and all injustice and unfairness so with Him we can win in all areas of life. We will win if we are and remain faithful to Him. Faithfulness produces ALL of God’s promises fulfilled in our lives so lay hold of God and His promises by faithfulness to Him. Thanks!!!
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