Global Prayer Network

Urgent Revelatory Request/TRS

God to deliver the World from specific evil spiritual Mask strongholds that resemble
several particular type of mask. Masks that resemble purification/filtration masks of specific styles. These masks have fully energized/magnetized evil spiritual elements that produce evil energies that filter out more healthy elements like ions/O3 filter pollution away except the opposite way around . This offsets the balance of pure and fresh spiritual/physical elements, energies, air with too much evil ones. Trapping good with evil causing the opposite of nature’s spiritual/physical cycles to happen thus polluting and destroying both spir/physical realms. This allows for evil sin, Hell’s Body etc to grow throughout the Earth rampantly. God bless!!!

Teri Talks

Teri gives inspiring and inspirational talks to give food to your soul. She believes that ANYONE can be transformed. Her desire is Transformation Together through mentoring!

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