Global Prayer Network


God is love , I am Mrs. Maureen Vandersloot  from USA a widow with heart of love for the help of humanity And also a devoted Christian suffering from a chronic illness skin and breast cancer, I found this christian prayer network  profile interesting and also I will be glad to share prayers with devoted christian as well , so lonely and unhappy , I will be so glad to share more prayers and more friendship,  please reply to my email because I have something very important to share with you concerning my charity mission of hope and love to less privileged people around the world , Europe, Asia ,America and Africa as well  , write to me with the faith of GOD in you.

Write to my email ✉️ below

Thank you

God bless you ,

Mrs Maureen Vandersloot

Teri Talks

Teri gives inspiring and inspirational talks to give food to your soul. She believes that ANYONE can be transformed. Her desire is Transformation Together through mentoring!

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