God is good all the time. Thank you for your prayers. I am a grandmother raising a young granddaughter. We are moving and I have never in my life had such opposition to moving. I have to move. I found a place we can afford and what it holding it up is my tiny cat. They want (like everyone) a $600 pet fee. This is craziness. I am tired and sad. I applied for an emotional cat letter from a doctor. My therapist won’t do it because of some liability issue with her HMO. I have most of the deposit for my granddaughter and I and I am waiting on a charity to come through with something to help. Please pray we get the cat deposit waived and get the rest of the deposit we need to move in. We need to get all this by Friday…Help me to trust God and not me. I am having difficulty. Thanks.
Energy based Armors etc ARS
Please pray for God to bless the World and all...