Global Prayer Network


Oct 23, 2024 | Deliverance | 0 comments

Father in Jesus name How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of thosewho bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings,who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, Your God reigns. I have posted watchmen on Your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord,Give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest Father, bless intercessors wherever they are standing at theirposts, unseen and unsung in the hidden work of prayer. Youappointed and anointed them by Your Spirit of grace andsupplication for standing in the gap between Your holy Hand andthe judgment that the sins of our city and our nation deserve. Strengthen the hands of these intercessors with patientendurance and with Aarons and Hurs to come alongside them. Return and re-employ former intercessors taken from their place on the wall because they became discouraged
or distracted. Come as the good Samaritan tointercessors who have been robbed and beaten by life circumstances. Pour the oil of Your spirit over these intercessors, take them up,and carry them, having already paid for their restoration towholeness and health and to their giftings and callings, which are
irrevocable.Appoint new intercessors and birth in them a holy desperationfor prayer until we see You answer as You promise and show usgreat and mighty things we have never seen and don’t even knowhow to ask for. Awake Your church to receive new mantles of prayer and hear Your appointment to specific posts in intercession. By the Spirit of Christ Jesus, who ever lives to intercede, plant in the hearts of every believer the spirit of prayer in obedience to the commands of God’s Word to pray withoutceasing.
Raise up intercessors who will answer Your call with grateful hearts full of thanksgiving.
Thank You for allowing us the privilege and entrusting to us theresponsibility of standing in the gap for the nation, the church,
and our homes. Receive the sweet incense of our praises dayand night all over our area.
Respond to Your call to the fear of the Lord
“Listen! The Lord is calling to the city, and to fear Your name is wisdom. Let our obedience to Your voice be instant,complete, and joyful, just because You are Lord and we submit to
You above all else.Hear Your call to humility and holiness Search us, bend us, break us. We crucify cost, comfort, reputation, convenience, and business as usual not to miss the
day of visitation of the Lord. You are moving, let us not miss You.Hear Your call to Your vision and purposes Raise up men and women of Issachar, who know their God, know the times, and know what Your people are to do. Give us intercessors who seek Your mind and heart to pray Your prayers. Let us pray with You, not just to You, “Your
kingdom come, Your will be done” prayers.
Hear Your call to unity. Lead us to come together with other intercessors no matter how they look or how they act, so the oil of the Spirit can be poured out as we come together in one accord to receive the blessings of salvation. Hear Your call to the nations in prayer Father, have mercy and reveal Your holy arm to redeem and Your
salvation and Your glory in the sight of all nations.Let these prayers be like the trumpet call to which Nehemiahreferred when he said, “The work is extensive and spread out.
Whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. OurGod will fight for us. Remember the Lord who is great and
awesome.Father, humbly we ask You to rend the heavens and come down in an unprecedented way to make this a nation of jubilee, of righteousness, of spiritual refuge, and of new life. Spirit, touch Your church.
Stir the hearts of Your church to pray as never before. Show us Your glory. Father God, in Jesus name I shut demonic doors that have been opened to hinder my prayer life.
I bind the cares of the world and the pride of life. Leviathan is hound from my neck, and Behemoth has no place in my loins.
Pride and deception are my enemies and not my friends. I break dark covenants that have been set against the call of God on
my life. I am liberated from unholy things that would creep into the corridors of my spiritual life. I renounce all soul ties that would distract my mind from my prayer assignment. I bind all financial, emotional, physical, associational, and professional distractions against my private time with God and my prayer assignment on the wall. I renounce
any witchcraft or forms of manipulation that would infiltrate my spiritual life. The spirit of infirmity is bound, the spirit of slumber
is bound, the spirit of slothfulness is bound, the spirit ofhopelessness is bound, and greed and selfishness are bound
forever off of me. I am quickened by the Spirit of the Most High God to watch and pray, worship, study the Word, and do warfare in Jesus name.The spiritual discipline of the Lord is my portion. The lines of the
Spirit have fallen upon me to stand in the gap. I get in my place and position myself on the wall. I curse the spirits of Sanballat,Tobiah and Geshem. I say I will not come down off the wall. I am doing a great work for the Lord!
Lord, show me any people, places, or things that have been strategically put in my path to blind my eyes, close my ears, and shut my mouth in the Spirit. I plead the blood of Jesus over my eyes, ears, and mouth. They will be used by God in this hour. I renounce outright and subliminal idolatry that might be affecting
me. I am not my own, and I do not lean on my own understanding. My spiritual life is prosperous, and no good thing
will be held back from me. I cast the spirit that comes against my prayer life out of my
house. All heaviness and depression go from me and my family. I put on the whole armor of God, and every fiery dart of the enemy
is broken off of my mind and cast out of my heart. My loins are girded about with truth, and every lie against my intercession or
relationship with God is defeated. My feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. I carry the anointing of intercession in my belly. In one hand I have the sword of the
Spirit and in the other the shield of faith. The Word of God is nigh me, and I will decree and declare the oracles of God before men
and behind closed doors. The Word of God will go from the logos to the rhema as I speak it forth in prayer. The things that I speak
in prayer will take feet and do what the Lord has commanded through my mouth.Lord, I thank You for helping me to pray prayers that bring results and avail much. All of creation is waiting for the manifestation of the intercessors of God. I will not keep creation onhold. I was created to have a personal relationship with God, to stand in the gap, to be on the wall, and to make up the hedge. I
realize that my prayers can change my family, my city, and my nation. I realize that souls may be lost if I am not obedient in prayer. I will not miss the call of God on my life, and I repent for yielding to my flesh to be lazy in prayer. From this moment forward, I yield and submit my prayer life to the Holy Spirit.
In Jesus’ Name I pray. I paralyze all the night caterers and I forbid their food in my dream, in Jesus name. All pursuers in my dreams, begin to pursue yourself, in Jesus name. I command my picture in the demonic kingdom, being used as a remote control against my life to
burn into ashes, in Jesus’ name.
4. I paralyze all the demonic delegates assigned to my life, in Jesus name.
5. I command total destruction of all satanic technology against my life, in Jesus name.
6. Every power of darkness hunting for my life, be roasted, in Jesus name.
7. Let all the contamination in my life through dreams be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
8. Let the path of the enemy into my life be permanently closed, in Jesus name.
9. Father Lord, fill my life with the Holy Ghost fire, I want to vomit fire, in Jesus name.
10. I refuse to follow evil prescription, in Jesus name.
11. Let every evil thing done against me between the hours of 12 and 1 a.m. be nullified, in Jesus name. Let every evil thing doer- against me between the hours of 1 and 2 a.m. be nullified, in Jesus name.
13. Let every evil thing done against me between the hours of 2 and 3 a.m. be nullified, in Jesus name.
14. Let every evil thing done against me between the hours of 3 and . 4 a.m. be nullified, in Jesus name.
15. I loose myself from all inherited bondage, in Jesus name.
16. I vomit every satanic poison that I have swallowed, in Jesus’ name.
17. Evil bands, release me, in Jesus name.
18. I remove myself from every satanic bus stop, in Jesus’ name. 20, i drink the blood of Jesus.
19. Let every owner of evil load in my life begin to carry their loads, in Jesus name.
20. I destroy every evil remote controlling power fashioned against me, in Jesus name.
21. Holy Ghost fire, incubate my life.
22. I reverse every evil design fashioned against my life, in Jesus name.
23. Every hidden or open spirit of infirmity, depart from my life, in Jesus name
24. You evil strongman, be bound, in Jesus name.
25. All evil authorities upon my life, I command you to break, in Jesus name.
26. i remove my name from the book of backward steps, in Jesus name.
27. 0 Lord, make me a channel of blessing.
28. I take as my weapon, the two edged-sword of the spirit and I cut down the powers of
29. witches – familiar spirit
30. wizards – ancestral/familiar spirits
31. spirit wives – mermaid spirits
32. spirit husbands – manipulators
33. spirit children – evil monitors
34. evil spiritual properties – evil arrows – evil decisions
35. In Jesus name, I nullify every satanic embarrassment.
36. Lord, add more fire of the Holy Ghost to the fire that is burning my enemy.
37. Let the seven-fold standard be raised against all my enemies, in Jesus name.
38. 0 Lord, use me as Your battle axe.
39. Let the angels of war be released on my behalf, in Jesus’ name.
40. In the mighty name of Jesus, I send the fire, thunder and stones of fire to destroy the powers of
darkness in the air, land and sea.
41. In Jesus name, I bind all anti-deliverance demons in every area of my life.
42. In Jesus name, I bind all anti-miracle demons in every area of my life.
43. I destroy every satanic cage fashioned against my goodness, in Jesus name.
44. I destroy every satanic chain fashioned against my life, in Jesus name. Let every satanic instrument that is against me be neutralized, in Jesus name.
46. I destroy all the web of satan against my life, in Jesus name.
47. I disconnect any satanic linkage to anyone dead or alive, in Jesus name.
48. Let every spiritual equipment set against me be broken to pieces
49. Let all spiritual mirrors used against me be dashed to pieces, in Jesus name.
50. I destroy all the protective coverings of the enemy protecting them against the Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus name.
51. I cancel every careless word which I have spoken and which satan is using against me, in Jesus name.
52. I destroy any satanic attachment to any of my properties, in Jesus name.
53. I destroy any of my properties (pick from the list be/ow) at the evil altar in the evil world, in Jesus name.
54. image – money – pictures
55. any part of my body – clothes – finger nails – name
56. I come against all the curses issued against my future and progress, in Jesus name.
57. I separate myself from all evil rivers, evil idols, evil streams and evil shrines present in my place
of birth, in Jesus name..
58. Let all agents banking my blessings release them unto me, in Jesus name.
59. I destroy all the evil peace, evil agreement, evil unity, evil love, evil happiness, evil understanding,
evil communication and evil gathering that are fashioned against me, in Jesus name.
60. Begin to bless yourself with all manner of blessings.
61. Let agents of frustration begin to loose their hold over my life, in Jesus name.
62. Let agents of poverty begin to loose their hold over my life, in Jesus name.
63. Let agents of debt begin to loose their hold over my life, in Jesus name.
64. Let agents of spiritual rags begin to loose their hold over my life
65. Let agents of defeat begin to loose their hold over my life, in Jesus name.
66. Let agents of infirmity begin to loose their hold over my life, in Jesus name.
67. Let agents of demotion begin to loose their hold over my life, in Jesus name.
68. Let agents of demonic delay begin to loose their hold over my life, in Jesus name.
69. Let agents of confusion begin to loose their hold over my life, in Jesus name.
70. Let agents of backward movement begin to loose their hold over my life, in Jesus name.
71. Let all wicked oppressors stumble and fall in every area of my life, in Jesus name.
72. Let God break the teeth of the ungodly gathered against me, in Jesus name.
73. Let all the instruments of failure fashioned against my life receive the fire of God and be roasted,
in Jesus name.
74. Let all satanic weapons of attack fashioned against me and my family receive the fire of God and
be roasted, in Jesus’ name.. Let all satanic computers fashioned against my life receive the fire of God and be roasted, in Jesus name.. Let all satanic records that are against my life receive the fire of God and be roasted, in Jesus name. Let all satanic satellites and cameras used to monitor and manipulate my life receive the fire of God and be roasted, in Jesus name.. Let all satanic remote control fashioned against my life receive the fire of God and be roasted, in Jesus name. Let all satanic labels and marks placed on my life be rubbed off by the blood of Jesus. Let all anti-testimony forces gathered against me scatter, in Jesus name. Let all oppressors in every area of my life receive the leprosy of divine judgement, in Jesus name. Make me a pillar in Your house, 0 God. Lord, give me power to pursue, overtake and recover. Let Your fire destroy every foundational problem in my life, in Jesus name. Let every evil link, label, and stamp of the oppressors be destroyed by the blood of Jesus. Every evil spiritual pregnancy, be aborted over my life, in Jesus name. Let every dirty hand be removed from the affairs of my life, in Jesus name. I remove my name from the book of untimely death, in Jesus name. I remove my name from the book of tragedy, in Jesus’ name.. All evil umbrellas preventing heavenly showers from falling upon me, be roasted, in Jesus name. Let all evil associations summoned for my sake be scattered, in Jesus name. Father Lord, crucify anything in me that would remove my name from the book of life. Father Lord, help me to crucify my flesh. If my name has been removed from the book of life, Father Lord, re-write it. Lord, give me power to overcome myself. Every problem connected with polygamy in my life, be nullified, in Jesus name. Every curse issued by my husband/wife, be nullified, in Jesus name. All satanic deposits in my life, be roasted, in Jesus name. I command every satanic reinforcement against me to scatter, in Jesus name.Every power of any family idol affecting my life and home, be broken now, in Jesus name. I cancel all evil vows that are affecting me negatively, in Jesus name.I destroy the clock and the time-table of the enemy for my life, in Jesus name.Lord, reschedule my enemies to useless and harmless assignments.Let every good thing that is dead in my life come alive now, in Jesus name.Let every evil device against me be disappointed, in Jesus’ name.Healing power of God, overshadow me now, in Jesus’ name.
I bind every spirit working against answers to my prayers, in Jesus name.I disarm any power that has made a covenant with the ground, water and wind about me, in Jesus name.Let my life be invisible to demonic observers , in Jesus’ name.I bind all remote control spirits, in Jesus name.I withdraw all the ammunition made available to the enemy, in Jesus name.I revoke all conscious or unconscious covenants with the spirit of death, in Jesus name.Lord, I submit my tongue to You, take control.Let the heavenly surgeons begin to perform all necessary surgical operations in every area of my life where necessary, in Jesus name.I refuse to be spiritually amputated, in Jesus name.I refuse to wage war against myself, in Jesus name.
0 Lord, wake me up from any form of spiritual sleep.All evil seeds planted by fear into my life, be uprooted, in Jesus name.Let Your kingdom be established in every area of my life, in Jesus name.Armies of heaven, disgrace my oppressors , in Jesus’ name.
You emptier and wasters, release me now, in Jesus name.Let my blood reject every poison, in Jesus name.Let the enemy fall into the pit dug for my sake, in Jesus’ name.Let my life experience divine favour in all areas, in Jesus’ name.Woe unto the vessel sent by the enemy to do me any harm, in Jesus name. I command all my blessings swallowed by satanic powers to be vomited now, in Jesus name.All powers that are bent on doing me harm, receive paralysis, in Jesus name.Every arrow of destruction fired at me, go back to the sender, in Jesus name.The enemy will not convert my right hand to the left hand, in Jesus name.
Let all satanic letters against me be burnt, in Jesus name.0 Lord, let the tongues of my enemy be divided and be confused.Let all the counsels of the wicked be broken, in Jesus’ name.I withdraw any personal invitation given to the enemy to harm, in Jesus name.0 Lord. give me a miracle that would dumbfound the world. I command every opposing knees to bow, in Jesus name.I command my enemies to become my footstool, in Jesus’ name.
0 Lord, let me experience victory in every area of my life.Let all my locked-up blessings rebel and come out of the prison, in Jesus name.
Let all attackers hiding within the tower of the enemy be revealed, in Jesus name.
Let every evil association against me be severely distabilized, in Jesus name.
I bind every activity and operations of the devil in my environment, in Jesus name.I challenge my body with the fire of the Holy Ghost and command strangers to flee, in Jesus name.All physical and spiritual sicknesses, flee, in Jesus name.
Let all the wicked spirits around me fall by their own wickedness, in Jesus name.
Any good thing that the enemy has removed in my life, be returned immediately, in the
name of Jesus.
Let my name become thunder, fire and lightning in the hands of those calling it for evil purposes, in Jesus name.
Father, | decree, declare and proclaim that retaliation, counterattack, judgments, revenge, or
reprisals of Satan or his minions, immediately, completely, permanently, and continually
forbidden, in the name and by the Blood of Christ Jesus, all by the faith of God in Christ Jesus’
Name.Father, by the faith of God in Christ Jesus’ Name, | take to myself and now possess and impart
the Blessing and activation of the Golden Altar of Melchizedek, that sits before the Throne of
God in the Throne Room of Heaven, yielding to the Holy Spirit for continual impartation and
empowerment of myself as a living Godly altar raised to the Glory of The Father, and for
continual impartation of all Godly altars that | raise on behalf of the Glory of The Father, Son
and Holy Spirit, by the faith of God in Christ Jesus’ Name do | decree, declare, proclaim and
possess all that | have confessed herein, so be these things now, in Christ Jesus’ Name,

Father, | ask you to dispatch a warrior angel to Satan and each and every one of his spirits or
entities that have been on assignment and my birth and that of my spouse and children, with a
Restraining Order and a Permanent Order to Cease and Desist, and to serve Satan and all of
his minions that have been on assignment and operating altars against me and my loved ones
since birth, and instruct them to serve Satan and his minions and read those orders and
command and demand that cease, immediately, permanently and perpetually by the faith of
God and ALL TO YOUR GLORY, FATHER, in Christ Jesus’ Name.

| decree, declare and proclaim all counterattacks, revenge, retaliations, or reprisals of satan,
immediately, completely, permanently and perpetually forbidden to ever seed, manifest,
actualize, or realize against me, my spouse, my children or anything that i am, have or possess,
for anything done on our behalf of the lord’s glory, and decree all such permanently forbidden,
all by the faith of God in Christ Jesus’ name.Father in Jesus name Thus says the Lord, In an acceptable and favorable time I haveheard and answered you, and in a day of salvation Ihave helped you: and I will preserve you and give you for a covenant to the people to raise up and establish the landfrom its present state of ruin and to apportion and cause them
to inherit the desolate moral wastes of heathenism, their heritages, saying to those who are bound, Come forth, andto those who are in spiritual darkness, Show yourselves come into the light of the SUN OF
RIGHTEOUSNESS.And this is the confidence the assurance, the privilege of
boldness which we have in Him: we are sure that if we ask ANYTHING make ANY
request ACCORDING to HIS WILL in agreement with His own plan, He
LISTENS to and HEARS us.And if since we positively know that He listens to us in
whatever we ask, we know with settled and ABSOLUTE knowledge that we have
granted to us as our PRESENT POSSESSIONS the requests made of Him.Father, we declare that we have this confidence, assurance and
privilege of boldness in You. Weare SURE that if we ask ANYTHING or make ANY request
according to Your will which isYour Word, You listen to us in whatever we ask, according to
Your Word, and we know with SETTLED and ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE that we have
granted to us as our PRESENT
POSSESSIONS, the requests made of You regarding God’s leaders.Thank You, Father, that You have said in Your Word that angels
hearken to the VOICE of Your WORD. We pray YOUR WORD over God’s leaders,.angels are hearkening to ourunited voice, eager to perform that which we speak regarding God’s leaders.Father, we declare that God’s leaders are cleansing themselves from whatever is ignoble and.unclean. They are separating themselves from contact withcontaminating and corrupting influences. They are vessels set apart and USEFUL for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to You, fit and ready for ANY Father, we declare that God’s leaders are filled with the full, deep and clear knowledge of Your will
in all spiritual wisdom and comprehensive insight into Your ways and purposes, and in
understanding and discernment of spiritual things, so that they are walking, living and conducting themselves in a manner worthy of You, fully pleasing to You and desiring to please You in ALL THINGS, bearing fruit in good works and steadily growing
and increasing in and by a knowledge of You, with fuller, deeper and clearer insight,
acquaintance and recognition. They
are invigorated and strengthened with all power, according to the might of Your glory, to
exercise every kind of endurance and patience WITH JOY. Father, we declare that You are clearing God’s leaders from hidden
and unconscious faults. YOU.are making the words of their mouths and the meditation of their hearts to be acceptable in Your
sight. Father, we declare that since God’s leaders are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, they are stripping off and throwing aside encumbrances,unnecessary weights, and that sins which so readily clings to and entangles them, and they are running with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race
that is set before them, looking away from ALL that will distract to Your Son, Jesus, Who is theauthor and the finisher of their faith. Father, we declare that God’s leaders’ love is abounding yet more and more and extending to its fullest development in knowledge and all keen insight. Their love
is displaying itself in greater depth of acquaintance and more comprehensive discernment, so that they are surely learning to sense what is VITAL, and approving and prizing what is EXCELLENT and of REAL VALUE, recognizing the HIGHEST and the BEST, and distinguishing the moral differences. They are untainted, pure, unerring and blameless, with hearts that are sincere, certain and unsullied. They are approaching the day of Christ, not stumbling nor causing others to stumble..They are abounding in and being filled with the fruits of righteousness. Your glory is being both manifested and recognized in them. Father, we declare that freedom of utterance has been given to God’s leaders; and they are opening their mouths to proclaim boldly the mystery of the gospel. Father, we declare that God’s leaders are working out, cultivating, carrying out to the goal and fully completing their own salvation, with reverence, awe andtrembling, self-distrust, serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation—timidly shrinking from
WHATEVER might offend You and discredit the name of Christ. NOT in their OWN strength, for it is You Who are all the while effectually at work in them,energizing and creating in them the POWER and DESIRE,both to WILL and to WORK for Yourgood pleasure, satisfaction and delight. Thank You, Father, that You Who began a good work in God’s leaders are continuing to develop that good work and perfecting and bringing it to FULL
COMPLETION in them. Thank You, Father, that You, The God of Peace, are strengthening, completing, perfecting and
making God’s leaders what they ought to be. You are equipping them with everything good that they may carry out Your will, while You Yourself are working in them and accomplishing that which is pleasing in Your sight. Father, we declare that by God’s leaders’ obedience through the Holy Spirit they have purified their hearts for the sincere affection of the brethren, and they love them fervently from a pure heart. Father, we declare that God’s leaders brace up their minds. They are sober, circumspect and morally alert. They have set their hope wholly and unchangeably on YOUR GRACE, and they live as children of OBEDIENCE. As You are holy Who has called them, they are also holy in ALL their conduct and manner of living. Father, we declare that God’s leaders let no foul language nor evil word nor unwholesome or worthless talk ever come out of their mouths, but only such speech as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessing and give GRACE to those who hear it. They do not grieve the Holy Spirit by Whom they were sealed. They let all bitterness, wrath, passion, rage, bad temper,resentment, anger, animosity, quarreling, brawling, clamor, contention, slander, evil-speaking, abusive or blasphemous language be banished from them, with all malice, spite, ill will or baseness of any kind. They have become useful, helpful and kind to one another and to everyone; tenderhearted,
compassionate, understanding, forgiving everyone readily and freely as You in Christ forgavethem, in order that Satan get no advantage over them; for they are not ignorant of his wiles and.intentions. Father, we declare that God’s leaders are Your own handiwork Yourworkmanship, recreated in
Jesus, that they may DO those good works which You PREDESTINED and PLANNED BEFOREHAND for them, taking paths which You prepared ahead
of time that THEY SHOULD WALK IN THEM, living the good lives which You prearranged and made ready for them to live.Thank You, Father, that You are making God’s leaders to increase, excel and overflow in love for
one another and for ALL people, so that You may strengthen, confirm and establish their hearts faultlessly pure and unblamable in holiness in Your sight. Father, we declare that God’s leaders no longer live TO and FOR
THEMSELVES, but TO and FOR YOU, Who died and was raised again for their sakes. Father, we declare that God’s leaders roll their works upon You. They commit and trust them
YOUR WILL. Their plans are being established and succeeding. Father, we declare that EVERY PURPOSE or UNDERTAKING that is of HUMAN origin in our leaders’ lives are failing, being overthrown and coming to nothing, and PURPOSEs or UNDERTAKINGs that are of YOU is not able to be stopped, overthrown or destroyed. Father, we declare that God’s leaders do not irritate or provoke their spiritual children to anger. They do not exasperate them to resentment, but they rear them.tenderly in the training, discipline, counsel and admonition of the Lord. Father, we declare that God’s leaders tend, nurture, guard, guide and fold the flock of God that is their responsibility, NOT by COERCION or CONSTRAINT, but WILLINGLY; NOT DISHONORABLY, motivated by the advantages and profits belonging to their offices, but EAGERLY and CHEERFULLY. NOT as ARROGANT, DICTATORIAL and OVERBEARING persons domineering over those in their charge, but being examples, patterns and models of Christian living—to the flock. They clothe themselves with HUMILITY, as the garb of a SERVANT, so that its covering cannot possibly be stripped from them, with freedom from pride and arrogance toward EVERYONE. They are humbling themselves demoting and lowering themselves in their own estimation under Your hand, and in due time You will exalt them. Father, we declare that when God’s leaders have heard from You,they are faithful to speak ALL the words that You command them to speak and diminish not a
word. Father, we declare that God’s leaders are FULL of MERCY and KINDNESS, shutting out ALL hatred and selfishness. They are FULL of TRUTH, shutting out ALL deliberate hypocrisy or falsehood. Father, we declare that God’s leaders do not merely love in theory or in speech, but in DEED and in
TRUTH—in practice and in sincerity. Father, we declare that God’s leaders live in harmony with EVERYONE; they are not haughty,
snobbish, high-minded or exclusive, but they readily adjust themselves to people and things and give themselves to humble tasks. They NEVER overestimate themselves, nor are they wise in their own conceits.Thank You, Father, that You have said in Your Word that the Gentiles lord over people, ruling
with absolute power, holding them in subjection; and their great men exercise authority and dominion over them. BUT THIS SHALL NOT BE SO WITH God’s leaders. But INSTEAD, they are SERVANTS OF ALL. Father, we declare that God’s leaders are quick to hear, ready listeners, slow to speak, and slow to take offense or get angry. Father, we declare that God’s leaders do not offend in speech. They NEVER say the wrong things. They are fully developed in character and perfect. They are able to control their whole bodies and to curb their entire nature. They, by their noble living, show forth their good workswith the unobtrusive humility, which is the proper attribute of true wisdom. They are pure, peace loving, courteous, considerate, gentle, willing to yield to reason, full of compassion and good fruits, wholehearted, straightforward, impartial, unfeigned, free from doubts, wavering and insincerity. Thank You, Father, that You are giving God’s leaders more and more GRACE to meet ALL evil tendencies FULLY in their lives. They are subject to You. They stand firm against the devil and resist him; he is fleeing from them. They are coming close to You; and therefore, You are coming close to them. They are humbling themselves, feeling very insignificant in Your presence, and You are exalting them and making their lives significant. Father, we declare that God’s leaders’ gifts are making room for them and are bringing them before great men. Father, we declare that God’s leaders study and are eager to do their utmost to present themselves to You approved tested by trial, workmen who have no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing, rightly handling and skillfully teaching, the Word of Truth. Father, we declare that God’s leaders are not quarrelsome, fighting, and contending. They are kindly to EVERYONE and mild-tempered,preserving the bond of peace; they are skilled and suitable teachers, patient, forbearing and willing to suffer wrong. They correct their opponents with courtesy and gentleness.Father, we declare that God’s leaders correct and reinstate those who have been taken in misconduct or sin without any sense of superiority and with ALL GENTLENESS, keeping an attentive eye on themselves, lest they should be tempted. They bear, endure and carry other’s burdens and troublesome moral faults, and in this way they fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ, and complete what is lacking in their obedience to it. They do not think themselves as someone too important to condescend to shoulder another’s load, but they carefully scrutinize, examine and test their own conduct and their own work. They have the personal satisfaction and joy of doing something commendable in itself alone without resorting to boastful comparison with their neighbors. Father, we declare that God’s leaders endure long and are patient
and kind. They never are envious
nor do they boil over with jealousy. They are not boastful or vain glorious. They do not display themselves haughtily. They are not conceited, arrogant or inflated with pride. They are not rude or unmannerly, nor do they act unbecomingly. They do not insist
on their own rights or their own way. They are not self-seeking, touchy, fretful or resentful.
They take no account of the evil done to them. They pay no attention to a suffered wrong. They do not rejoice at injustice and
unrighteousness, but they rejoice when right and truth prevail. They bear up under anything and everything that comes, and they are ever ready to believe the best of every person. Their hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and they endure everything
without weakening. Becausethey are a product of Your love, and love never fails, THEY NEVER FAIL. Father, we declare that God’s leaders’ love is sincere—a real thing.
They hate what is evil. They loathe all ungodliness, turn in horror from wickedness, but hold fast to that which is good. They
love everyone with brotherly affection as members of one family, giving precedence and showing honor to everyone. They never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; they are aglow with and burning with the Spirit, serving You. They rejoice in hope; they are steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation. They are constant in prayer. Father, we declare that God’s leaders repay NO ONE evil for evil, but they take thought for what is honest, proper, and noble,aiming to be above reproach,in the sight of everyone. Wheneverpossible, as far as it depends on them, they live at peace with everyone. They NEVER avenge themselves, but leave the way open for Your wrath; for it iswritten, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” But if their enemy is hungry, they feed him; if he is thirsty, they give him.drink. They do not let themselves be overcome with evil, but theyovercome evil with good. Thank You, Father, that You are granting God’s leaders a spirit of wisdom and revelation, of insight into mysteries and secrets, in the deep and intimate knowledge of You, by having the eyes of their hearts flooded with light, go that they can KNOW
and UNDERSTAND the hope to which You have called them and how rich is Your inheritance inthe saints, and so that they can
KNOW and UNDERSTAND what is the IMMEASURABLE and UNLIMITED and SURPASSING GREATNESS of Your power IN and FOR them because they believe.
Father, we declare that God’s leaders live as free people, yet without employing their freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but they live at ALL times as SERVANTS
of God. They show respect for ALL men and treat them HONORABLY. They love the
brotherhood and reverence You.Father, we declare that God’s leaders herald and preach the Word. They keep their sense of urgency.
They stand by and are ready and at hand, whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable, whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it
is welcome or unwelcome..They convince, rebuke, correct, warn, urge and encourage the
saints, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching. Thank You, Father, that You are granting God’s leaders out of the
rich treasury of Your glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in their inner man by the Holy Spirit indwelling
their innermost beings and personalities. Your Son, Jesus, through their faith, is actually dwelling,settling down, abiding and making His permanent home, in their hearts! We declare that they are being rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, that
they may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints the
EXPERIENCE of that love; what is thebreadth, length, height and depth of it. They are really coming to know, practically, through
EXPERIENCE for THEMSELVES, THE LOVE OF CHRIST, which far surpasses mere
knowledge without experience. They are being filled through all their being unto ALL Your fullness. They have the richest measure of Your Divine Presence, and have become wholly FILLED and FLOODED with You. Thank You, Father, that in consequence of the action of Your power that is at work in God’s leaders, You are able to carry out Your purpose and do
superabundantly, FAR OVER and ABOVE ALL we dare ask or think concerning them—
infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams. Thank You, Father, for appointing God’s leaders over the cities, counties, states, or nation, PEACE as our officers and RIGHTEOUSNESS.Thank You, Father, that YOU rule by YOUR might forever. YOUR eyes observe and keep watch over the nations. You will not let the rebellious exalt
themselves. Father, we declare that God’s leaders are people of discernment, understanding and knowledge; and our stability as a cities, counties, states, nation is continuing long. Father, we declare that God’s leaders have divinely directed decisions on their lips. Their mouths will not transgress in judgment. Father, we declare that God’s leaders are people who rely on and are confident in You,and through Your mercy and steadfast love, they will never be moved. Thank You, Father, that You are giving God’s leaders knowledge of Your way of judging and the spirit of Your righteousness to control all of their actions. Father, we declare that God’s leaders do not forget Your law. They
let their hearts keep Your commandments. They are people of mercy and kindness, shutting out ALL hatred and selfishness. They are people of truth, shutting out ALL
deliberate hypocrisy or falsehood. They lean on, trust and are confident in You with ALL
their hearts and minds. They do not rely on their own insights or understanding. In ALL theirways they know, recognize and
acknowledge You, and You are directing and making straight and plain their paths. They are not wise in their own eyes, but they reverently fear and worship You, and turn entirely away from evil. Father, we declare that God’s leaders do not give their strength to loose people, nor their ways to those who ruin and destroy kings. They do not drink wine
or desire strong drink.Thank You, Father, that You have broken the staff and scepter of
wicked rulers in these cities,counties, states, nation. You are greatly increasing God’s leaders, and making them stronger than their oppressors. We are taking captive, NOT by PHYSICAL, but by MORAL might, those whose captives we have been, and ruling over our former oppressors.Father, for those people who hold positions of authority
who are opposed to Your purposes, I declare that their days in office would be few. Thank
You, Father, that You are.removing them and raising up and appointing humble and lowly
people who are afterYour own heart, and who will do ALL Your will and carry out YOUR program FULLY—people of YOUR OWN CHOOSING—to take the offices and
positions of the ungodly.Father, we declare that our nation’s ancient ruins are being
rebuilt. We, Your people, are renewing the ruined cities and raising up the foundations of
buildings that have laid waste for generations. We are being called repairers of the breach,
and restorers of streets to dwell in.Father, we declare that purposes, undertakings or movements in these cities, counties, states,
nation that is of human origin is failing, being overthrown andcoming to nothing; and every
purpose, undertaking and movement that is of You is not able tobe stopped, overthrown ordestroyed. Those who oppose Your purposes in these cities, counties,
states, nation will be found fighting against YOU, not man. Thank You, Father, that kingship and the kingdom is YOURS, and
YOU are ruler over the nations. We declare that as YOU have thought and planned concerning these cities, counties, states, nation, SO SHALL IT COME TO PASS; and asYOU have purposed, SOSHALL IT STAND. For what YOU have purposed—WHO CAN ANNUL IT. When YOUR hand is stretched out, WHO WILL TURN IT BACK. What YOU speak is DONE. What YOU command, STANDS FAST. YOU bring the counsel of nations to naught; YOU make the thoughts and plans of the peoples to NO EFFECT. YOUR counsel
stands forever; the thoughts of YOUR heart to all generations. Blessed are the cities, county,
states, nation whose God is the
Lord, and we declare that JESUS IS LORD over CITY, COUNTY, STATE and our NATION!
In Jesus’ Name. Father, we honor Your Name. We thank You that You are Jehovah-Nissi, our Banner of Victory, that through the Name of Jesus, we are more than conquerors. Father, we come to You as battle-arrayed soldiers on behalf of God’s leaders and their spouses.
We thank You that God’s leaders are righteous and faithful. You have told us to love one another and so fulfill the law, and we lift them up before You in love. We ask that
You would send Your angels to set a hedge of protection round about God’s leaders their families, and staffs. We bind the attacks of the enemy to physically cause harm
to their bodies, families or properties. We ask that You send warring angels out to arrest the
tactics set against God’s leaders to
cause fear or retreat, for we recognize that You have not given them a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and sound minds. We bind fear and loose the revelationknowledge of Your protection to fight in God’s leaders’ behalf. We declare that tactics that would be whispered in the ear against God’s leaders would be shouted from the rooftops, and that those things planned in secret would be brought to
light. We thank You that no weapon formed against God’s leaders will prosper this day, and tongues that rises against them in judgment shall be shown to be in the wrong, because You have promised to vindicate the righteous. Father, we ask that You turn the spirit of confusion upon those who pursue God’s leaders, and that they would be destroyed by their own devices.Your Word says to expose darkness. Thank You, Father, that You are exposing illegal and unfair tactics that has been planned against God’s leaders and their campaigns, andthat lies that have been spoken will come to nothing. Evil devices to tear down will work for
God’s leaders and not against them; for if You are for them, who can be against them.Father, Your Word says that the righteous are delivered out of trouble, and the wicked get into it. You have said that with his mouth the godless man destroys his neighbor, but
through knowledge and superior discernment, the righteous are delivered. We thank
You that Your hand will be seen mightily in delivering God’s leaders out of snares that are
laid for them through their knowledge and superior discernment.Those who devise wickedness will be caught up in their own traps, and they shall be snared by
the words of their lips and.caught in the speech of their mouths. Thank You, Father, that You are hiding God’s leaders from the secret counselsand conspiracies of the ungodly and from the scheming of evildoers,
who whet their tongues like a sword, who aim venomous words like arrows, who suddenly
shoot from ambush at the blameless
without self-reproach or fear, who encourage themselves in evil purposes, who talk of laying snares secretly, and say, “Who will discover us. Who think out acts of injustice and say, “We have accomplished a well-devised things.” We are rejoicing
because You promised that You would shoot an unexpected arrow at the ungodly, and they wouldsuddenly be wounded. They would be made to stumble, their own tongue being against them; all who gaze upon them would
shake their heads and flee away, and all men would reverently fear and be in awe, and woulddeclare Your work, for they would wisely consider and acknowledge that it is YOUR doing.Thank You, Father, for surrounding God’s leaders with wise counsel, forthere is safety in a multitude of counselors. We declare that they are counselors who are bold toward the things that are just and true, that they are of high moral character, and that they do not compromise the standards that Your Word lays out for us. Father, we declare that USA’s voters in these cities, counties, states, ornation has a clear picture of God’s leaders as they really are. Thank You that
You are opening USA’s voters’ eyes to see God’s leaders as You see them, for You look and judge the inward man of the heart. We
declare that USA’s voters are not influenced by what they hear against God’s leaders, but they are judging the principles on which they stand for themselves. Your Word says for lack of knowledge Your people are destroyed. So, Father, we declare that the knowledge of the truth about God’s leaders are being voiced abroad, and lies are being exposed to the USA’s voters, so that the USA’s voters are judging clearly their capabilities. We declare that the USA’s voters are able to choose with clear minds, not by bias, but on the basis of truth alone.Thank You, Father, for showing
the USA’s voters the truth, so that we may choose God’s leaders of high moral character who embraces the truth with boldness, so that USA’s voters will establish and preserve a
heritage for their children. In Jesus’
Name. Father, we declare that as God’s leaders stands up to speak, the USA’s voters these cities, counties, states, or nation would not be able to resist the intelligence, wisdom and inspiration or the Spirit with which they speak. Thank You, Father, that You are setting a guard before God’s leaders’ mouths and keeping watch at the door of their lips. Thank You, Father, that You are making God’s leaders tongues to cleave to the roof of their mouths so that they cannot talk and be
a reprover, but when You speak with them, You will open their mouths and they will
speak as Your mouth pieces. Father, we declare that God’s leaders are resolving and settling it in their minds not to meditate and prepare before hand how they are to make their defense and how they are to answer, for You are giving them mouths and such utterance and wisdom as all of their foes combined will be unable to stand against or
refute. Thank You, Father, that You are letting the words of God’s leaders mouthsand the meditation of their hearts to be acceptable in Your sight. Thank You, Father, that You are granting God’s leaders freedom of utterance socthat they may open their mouths boldly to speak that which You give them to speak.
Thank You, Father, that You are granting God’s leaders the knowledge, wisdom and understanding to spare their words, hold their peace and maintain a cool spirit. Father, we declare that God’s leaders are taking heed and guarding their ways, that they may not sin with their tongues. God’s leaders are muzzling their mouths as with a bridle while the wicked are before them. Thank You, Father, that You are keeping God’s tongues from evil and their lips from speaking deceit. Thank You, Father, that when You try , You will find nothing—no
evil purpose in them. They has purposed that their mouths shall not transgress. By
the Word of YOUR lips they has avoided the ways of the violent and the paths of the
destroyer. Father, we declare that speaks excellent and princely things. The
opening of their lips is for right things. God’s leaders’ mouths utters truth, and wrong-doing aredetestable and loathsome to their lips. ALL the words of God’s leaders’ mouths are righteous.There is nothing contrary to truth or crooked in them. All of their words are plain and straightforward. Father, we declare that God’s leaders let their speech be gracious and pleasant at all times, seasoned, as it were, with salt, so that they are NEVER at a loss to know how they ought to answer anyone who puts a question to them.Father, we declare that because is diligent, their hands shall rule. They are the head and not the tail. They are above only and not beneath. Thank You, Father, that You are opening God’s leaders’ eyes to see that those who are with them are more than those who are with the ungodly.
Because You have removed their reproach and granted God’s leaders favor, no one is lookingon and saying, “Where is their God. Thank You, Father, that You are answering God’s leaders in the day of trouble.
You are sending God’s leaders help from the sanctuary, supporting, refreshing and strengthening them.You are remembering all of their offerings, granting God’s leaders according to their heart’s desires, and fulfilling all of their plans. They are shouting in
triumph at Your salvation and victory, and in Your name they are setting up their
banners. You are fulfilling all of their petitions. You are saving them. You are answering God’s leaders from Your holy Heavenwith the saving strength of Your right hand. They puts no
confidence in the flesh, but they are trusting You in ALL things, and boasting in Your Name.The wicked are bowed down
and fallen, but they are risen and stands upright. You are giving God’s leaders VICTORY and answering them when they call.Thank You, Father, for magnifying God’s leaders in the sight of the USA’s voters these cities, counties, states, or nation, so that USA’s voters may know that as You were with Moses, so You are with them. Father, we declare that it is WELL with God’s leaders because they dealgenerously, lend, and conduct their affairs with justice. They shall not be moved forever. God’s leaders shall be in everlasting remembrance. God’s leaders shall not beafraid of evil tidings. God’s leaders’ hearts are firmly fixed, trusting in You. God’s leaders’ hearts areestablished and steady. They are not afraid while they wait to see their desire upon their adversaries. God’s leaders horns shall be exalted in honor. The wicked man will see it and begrieved and angered; he will gnash his teeth and disappear in despair. The desire of the wicked shall perish and come to nothing.Thank You, Father, for distinguishing God’s leaders above all ungodly leadersbecause an excellent spirit,Your Holy Spirit, is in them.Although the ungodly may seekto find occasion to bring accusation against God’s leaders, they will not be able to find any occasions,errors, or faults, because they are faithful to You. Father, we declare that because God’s leaders know You, they areproving themselves strong, standing firm and doing exploits for You. They are increasing in wisdom, stature and favor with You and USA’s voters. Father, we declare that NOTHING is able to separate God’s leaders from Your love. No matter what comes against God’s leaders they are MORE than conquerors amid them ALL, and gain a surpassing VICTORY through You who loves them.Thank You, Father, that You are giving God’s leaders the VICTORY—making them, conquerors, through You. They are firm, steadfast, immovable, always abounding in Your work. They are always superior, excelling and doing more than enough in Your service, knowing that their labor is not futile, never wasted or to no purpose. Because deliverance and VICTORY are of YOU, Father, we thank You that You are sending God’s leaders success. Thank You, Father, that You are delivering God’s leaders from the fear of man. God’s leaders refuses to be afraid of what man, who can kill the body, can do to them, but rather the fears YOU, Who has the power to destroy both soul and
body. Thank You, Father, for girding God’s leaders with STRENGTH for the battle. You
are subduing under them and causing to bow down those who rise up against them.
Thank You, Father, that You are keeping God’s leaders from all evil. You are keeping their lives. You are keeping their going out
and coming in from this time forth and forevermore. Father, we declare that because God’s leaders’ ways please You, You are
making even their enemies to be at peace with them.Father, we declare God’s leaders that do not fear, because You are with them.
God’s leaders do not look around them in terror or dismay, because You are their God.
You are strengthening God’s leaders and hardening them to difficulties. You are helping God’s leaders, holding them up and retaining them with Yourvictorious right hand of rightness and justice. ALL those who are enraged and inflamed against God’s leaders are being put to shame and confounded. Those who strive against God’s leaders are as
nothing. They shall seek for those who contend with God’s leaders, and they shall not findthem. Those who war against God’s leaders shall be as nothing at all. Father, we declare that ALL those who stir up strife against God’s leaders are failing away TO them. Father, we declare God’s leaders are not letting themselves be overcome with evil, but they are overcoming evil with good. Father, we declare that even though God’s leaders may be hedged in, pressed on every side, troubled and oppressed in ways, they are not cramped or crushed. Although God’s leaders suffer embarrassments and are perplexed and unable to find a way out, they are not driven to despair. Although they are persecuted, intimidated, hard-driven and
pursued, they are not deserted to stand alone. Although God’s leaders are struck down and rejected, they are never struck out or destroyed. Thank You, Father, that You are causing God’s leaders’ enemies who rise up
againstthem to be DEFEATED before their face. They shall come out against God’s leaders one way,but they shall flee seven ways. Father, we declare that God’s leaders eyes look right on with fixed purpose,
and their gaze is straight. They consider well the path of their feet, and ALL of their ways are established and ordered aright.They turn not aside to the right hand or to the left, and they remove their feet from evil. Father, we declare that God’s leaders are motivated by faith to leave ALL that is behind them, and they are unawed and undismayed by the wrath of those who would opposethem, nor are they moved by adverse circumstances. God’s leaders never flinches, but holds staunchly to their purpose and endures steadfastly as one gazing on You, the Invisible One. Father, we declare that since God’s leaders are surrounded by so great a
cloud of witnesses, they are stripping off and throwing aside encumbrances, unnecessary
weights, and sins that may cling to and entangle them, and they are running with patient endurance, and steady, active persistence the appointed course
of the races that are set before them, looking away from all that would distract to Your Son,
Jesus, the author and finisher of their faith. Thank You, Father, that You have said in Your Word that in a race all the runners compete, but only ONE receives the prize. We declare that God’s leaders are runningtheir races so that they may lay hold of the prize and
make it theirs. God’s leaders, like athletes who goes into training, are conducting
themselves temperately, and restricting themselves in all things. They are not running
uncertainly, without definite aim, or boxing as one beating the air without an adversary, but
they look carefully to howthey walk. They live purposefully, worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as a wise, sensible and intelligent people; making the very most of their time, buying up opportunities, because the days are evil. God’s leaders are not vague, thoughtless or foolish, but they understand and firmly grasp what Your will is. Thank You, Father, that You are faithful, Who has called God’s leaders to Yourself, and You are utterly trustworthy. You will fulfill on God’s leaders’ lives by hallowing and keeping them. Thank You, Father, that You are performing on God’s leaders behalf and rewarding them. You are bringing to pass Your purposes for God’s leaders and surely completing them.Thank You, Father, that before You formed God’s leaders in the womb, Youknew and approved of them, as Your chosen instruments, and before they were born, You separated and set them apart, consecrating them, and You appointed them, to their specific callings and destinies In You. You have called God’s leaders, You have brought them, and You are making their way prosperous. You will do ALL Your pleasure and purpose concerning God’s leaders. What You have spoken to God’s leaders, You will bring to pass; what You have purposed You will DO.Father, I decree, declare and proclaim that retaliation, counterattack, judgments, revenge, or
reprisals of Satan or his minions, immediately, completely, permanently, and continually
forbidden, in the name and by the Blood of Jesus, all by the faith of God in Jesus’
Name.Father, by the faith of God in Jesus’ Name, I take to intercessors and now possess and impart the Blessing and activation of the Golden Altar of Melchizedek, that sits before the Throne of
God in the Throne Room of Heaven, yielding to the Holy Spirit for continual impartation and empowerment of intercessors as a living Godly altar raised to the Glory of The Father, and for continual impartation of all Godly altars that I raise on behalf of the Glory of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, by the faith of God in Jesus’ Name do I decree, declare, proclaim and possess all that I have confessed herein, so be these things now, in Jesus’ Name. Father, I ask you to dispatch a warrior angel to Satan and each and every one of his spirits or
entities that have been on assignment and my birth and that of my spouse and children, with a Restraining Order and a Permanent Order to Cease and Desist, and to serve Satan and all of his minions that have been on assignment and operating altars against intercessors and God’s leaders, their loved ones
since birth, and instruct them to serve Satan and his minions and read those orders and
command and demand that cease, immediately, permanently and perpetually by the faith ofGod and ALL TO YOUR GLORY, FATHER, in Jesus’ Name.I decree, declare and proclaim all counterattacks, revenge, retaliations, or reprisals of satan,
immediately, completely, permanently and perpetually forbidden to ever seed, manifest,
actualize, or realize against God’s leaders, intercessors, their spouses, children or anything that intercessors are, have or possess, for anything done on our behalf of the lord’s glory, and decree all such permanently forbidden, all by the faith of God in Jesus’ name. Father, in Jesus name, I bind and break witchcraft,mind-reading, curses, spells,and any other witchcraft powers
and through the Power and Authority of Jesus, I break and destroy the works of witches, warlocks, wizards, sorcerers, occult programmers, and all other powers of darkness.Through the Power and Authority and Name of Jesus I break all their powers includingthe influences of witchcraft, evil powers, mind-reading, spells, hexes, vexes, voodoo, hoodoo, roots, potions, astral projections, or any such things I break off intercessors, God’s leaders, and every person who will pray this prayer. I invoke Psalm 80:18, “so intercessors will not go back from thee: quicken intercessors and I will call upon thname.Through the Power and Authority and Name of Jesus I bind up and destroy all their
spirit-guides, helps, and shields of these workers of evil, and leave them without any strength stripped of their evil power and influence forever.In Jesus name, and by His Power & Authority, I now seal up their powers withinthemselves, so that they cannot use them on intercessors, God’s leaders, and that their works might be destroyed, for the glory of God. In Jesus’ Name and Power, I cut and burn all demonic silver cords. I break down, undam, and blow up all walls of occult protection around all lay (ley) lines, ports, portals,.cups, pitchers, bowls,witches, warlocks, wizards, satanists, sorcerers, occult programmers and the like.In Jesus name, I break the power of all mind-reading, death,
stalking, destruction, curses, sickness, hexes, pain, vexes, torments, spells, psychic powers, charms, psychic warfare, fetishes, prayer chains, psychic prayers, incense and candle burning, psychic thoughts, poisons,
witchcraft, incantations, sorceries, chanting,
magic, ungodly blessings, voodoo, hoodoo, crystals, mind controls, rootworks, jinxes, demonic manifestations, potions, shapeshifting spirits, bewitchments,
and everything else being sent God’s leaders, their families or staffs’ way, or intercessors’ way, and I return it and the demons to the sender, sevenfold, and I bind it to them by the Name and the Power of Jesus.I command the spirits of witchcraft out of God’s leaders or intercessors’ homes, cars, workplaces, and to go into the very lowest point of She’ol or to the feet of Jesus for Him to determine their fate.Father, send your angels and escort the evil spirits to the lowest point of She’ol and place an angelic guard there so they never can return in Jesus’ name.




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Teri Talks

Teri gives inspiring and inspirational talks to give food to your soul. She believes that ANYONE can be transformed. Her desire is Transformation Together through mentoring!

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