] Prayer for The Great awakening NOW-Gospel of Christ, w/workers for Portland/Coeur d’Alene+GS,JG,DJ,AG. for the Spirit of Truth on all & Conviction on John; & /gratefulness on DJ/AG [& perfect child DJ&EG]; & the Spirit of Reconciliation with God Almighty, & family & a wife & favor for JG pay off all bills [financial independent miracle] deliverance into kingdom additionally including [Maximum Anointing/Love] JG/DJ/GS for transcendental grace to overcome as in rev. 2:7; to put first the kingdom and All righteousness, with Acceleration & Momentum; also 1st john 3:2 to be like Jesus and see Jesus as he is; & to only live in and speak from the Spirit/Truth. To enter into ministry with miracles and wonders as in 2nd Corinth 12:12…JG,GS,DG,DH to begin now with Regeneration/Rejuvenation from Jesus! with deep heart felt conviction and repentance and a job for JE (no anger/just instead joy). Not take offense [humility] & no record of wrongs [lowliness of heart & meekness] Brokenness/Contriteness as a servant considering others more important. To win/ resolve in favor all legal disputes & Cases! [7/17/2024]
Stockpile Strongholds
Please pray for God to deliver and purify...