- End the war/child trafficking & Wuhon bio4labs in Ukraine. A easy rightful Trump/invincibility inaugural transition on Jan 20, w/protection & no national or global unrest for 77 days through Jan 23,2025 & CHlNA’s Attack back on them, Awakening in Portland & Coeur d’Alene & a release of the Spirits of Yahoveh-Awe of Yahoveh-majesty-Wisdom-Council-Understanding-knowledge; &Binding of the spirits of Death/Mammon/Idolatry/FalseChrist/Rebellion/Pride/Fear & The Prince of Persia/Greece; & Ministry for JE GS DA DG with a contrite Spirit & a broken heart Humility Lowliness of heart/ to overcome & eat from the tree of life now; Enter the Kingdom/Righteousness of God to be dead to sin w/no guile Relying on God’s indignation giving up all anger not taking offense personally for attacks against God or anyone. Radiating God’s Love & w/regeneration/Miracles/healing [Financial Miracle/Gratefulness in the heart of AG DG & JE w/focus on Jesus].
Recuperation Chamber etc Strongholds
Pray for God to bless the World with Spiritual...