Global Prayer Network



Pray for God to deliver the apartment complex I'm in tonight from all evil, evil demons, evil spiritual armor, demons, sin, strongholds etc. 4 my protection, power '& spiritual armor 4 here


Pray 4 God to fill Joseph with His Presence, Spirit, power, anointing,manna, living water, Blood. 4 spiritual armor for him, deliverance from evil, full protection, Angels, finances, healing. God bless!!!


Pray 4 God to fill Pati P with powerful spiritual armor and anointing/misc. of beauty, love, security, safety, confidence, self esteem, self respect, dignity, honor and many more. For living water, His Blood, manna, discipline, resolve, dedication, persistence,...


Pray for God to fill the place I'm at now with powerful spiritual armor, anointing, Angels, Himself, misc. 4 all He wants to fill me and my body. For my spiritual protection, power, health. God bless!!!

Tony S/protection

Please pray for God to bless my supplements, medication, health, food, drinks and to protect me from poisoning in general and in all ways. Thanks!!!

Anthony Sirianni/Urgent!!!

Pray against the enemy's plans to use his people to kill me and against all plans to force me to live in an RV camper with psychotic Satanists who would want to kill me in it far from town. They've been trying to coax me into living in one and traveling with them....


Pray for God to fully protect me from all harm, attack, sickness, disease, illness, poisoning, evil people and their plans as well as the plans of wicked spiritual beings. Thanks!!!


Pray for a healing of my body had stomach surgery last year still having problems and also back problems and other health problems. Thank you 


Pray for God to bless my health, body and soul and to protect me from the cold and harm, misc. For comfort, anointings, peace, joy, hope, faith, love. For pain relief, spiritual armor, healing and provisions.  God bless!!!


Pray for God to protect me tonight from all attacks, cold etc. For powerful spiritual armor to surround me, Angels and God. For physical healing, energy to fill me and all God desires.

Teri Talks

Teri gives inspiring and inspirational talks to give food to your soul. She believes that ANYONE can be transformed. Her desire is Transformation Together through mentoring!

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