Global Prayer Network

I need prayer pray that God will forgive me myself son that God I will save me and heal me and bring me at peace with him that woman passing person sins are forgiven I feel very guilty and it bothers me for my sins and spiritually trouble and I feel I’m not close to God because of my sins I don’t forgive myself and spiritually I’m angry because I can’t forgive myself just pray God will give me salvation and heal me and bring me close to him that I am I go to heaven and my sins will forgiven I become a child of his the God will bless me by the holy spirit that I’m saying please pray for my sister the God will open her eyes and she becomes a child of God that she becomes saved her name is Amanda please pray for my mom he is spiritually dead she don’t believe in God she lives in sons the God will open her eyes soon as possible please pray for my pet mouses people being cruel killing them and hurting them putting Bates in poison and traps health they don’t deserve to suffer they deserve to live like we do there or his creatures please pray that he will protect them that they will live in survive I love God’s creatures and I fight to keep them alive it’s like fighting against evil please pray for them please pray for my mom Janice that she will fight for me and speak up for me anytime when I’m in trouble that she will look out for me that she will fight that’ll lose my house the owner has something against me and my family she’s trying to make excuse to put me out please pray that my family don’t believe anything she’s about me bad gospel about me for her to have my family doing against me well she could win and put me out amen, 🥺😭😇🏠

May 19, 2024 | Spiritual Needs



Teri Talks

Teri gives inspiring and inspirational talks to give food to your soul. She believes that ANYONE can be transformed. Her desire is Transformation Together through mentoring!

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