Please pray for God to deliver my will, heart, mind, nervous system and the most bound parts of my soul/body. Pray for God to strengthen and bless these parts of my being. God is answering your prayers for me over time but it’s a big work so please persist in praying for me and don’t allow darkness and sin into your souls lest it cause you to grow weary in well doing. Allow God to perfect love light in your souls via the fullness of Him in you so no trace of impure exhausting sin or darkness take root in your souls. This ways darkness/sin and their bitterness wont weary you with their tiring pollution effect on your soul. Remain faithful until God has had His perfect work in your souls then wield your spiritual ki through prayer, ingercession amd spiritual warfare based in love. God bless!!!
Forest Strongholds ARS
Please pray for God to bless the World and all...